Our story

We’re an enthusiastic group of eco-entrepreneurs who look forward to leaving a better world to the next generation than we received from the earlier one.
In view of the banana rejections all over the planet, we found a nice opportunity to start a new economy through the production of peel banana powder.
Now, we’ve got a part of the solution to avoid waste and the consequences of global pollution giving the chance to feed plants, fruits, and gardens.

We are not just talking about bananas that are too small, crooked, or large. Even green, yellow and single bananas are unnecessarily wasted! That is why we use exactly those bananas to make the best natural fertilizers using rejected peels.
Only the best raw material will guarantee you the best final product. Our commitment to quality is deep and wide, with nothing in between. Mediocrity is forbidden. Yep, we produce this new product in Ecuador, handly and naturally. We take thousands of rejected ripe peel bananas to transform it in the best natural fertilizer.
We active circular economy and thus spark revenues for many persons involved. Banana peel powder is an organic fertilizer that is produced from the crushing of dried banana peels. It has several characteristics that make it beneficial to plants and soil.
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Main Features

Rich in nutrients

Banana peel powder is rich in essential nutrients for plant growth, such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium.

Slow release

Banana peel powder releases nutrients slowly, which helps maintain a steady supply of nutrients to plants over an extended period.

Regulates pH

Banana peel powder has an alkalizing effect on the soil, which helps regulate pH and improves nutrient availability to plants.

Improves soil structure

Banana peel powder helps improve soil structure, which in turn improves water retention and soil aeration.

Controls soil diseases

Banana peel powder has natural fungicidal and bactericidal properties that help control soil diseases and protect plant roots.

Results in gardening and crops

Banana peel powder is a versatile organic fertilizer that can be beneficial in both gardening and crops, as long as it is used properly and applied in the right amounts for the plants needs.

Results in gardening and crops

In gardening, banana peel powder can improve soil quality and growth of ornamental plants and vegetables in pots or in the garden. 
The slow release of nutrients helps maintain a steady supply of nutrients for plants, which can improve long-term plant health and performance.

Have a fruitful harvest time!

Banana peel powder can be especially useful for crops that require high amounts of potassium, such as fruit and vegetable crops. 

Banana peel powder can provide a long-term sustainable source of potassium and can improve water retention and soil aeration, which can enhance crop yield and quality.


The frequency of fertilization with banana peel powder will depend on several factors, such as soil type, climate, type of crop or plant, and the amount of banana peel powder previously applied. 

It is important to note that banana peel powder is a slow-release fertilizer, which means that nutrients are gradually released into the soil as it breaks down. Therefore, may not need to be applied as frequently as other conventional fertilizers.

In addition, it is important not to overdo the amount of banana peel powder applied, as this can cause excess nutrients in the soil and damage plant roots.

Banana peel powder can be used in field crops, hydroponic crops, and greenhouses, but it is important to take into account some specific considerations for each case.

Green & ripe banana peel powder

Green banana peel powder is rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and fiber, which makes it an excellent fertilizer for plants that require a significant amount of nutrients and a healthy soil structure. 

On the other hand, ripe banana peel powder is rich in nitrogen, calcium, iron, and other micronutrients that are beneficial for plant growth.

Banana peel powder is an effective organic fertilizer that can improve soil quality and plant growth in a sustainable manner. Can be used in large-scale cultivation, hydroponics, and greenhouses, as long as it is applied in the right amount and evenly distributed to provide the necessary nutrients to the plants.

Method of use

When planting new plants, mix 1-2 tablespoons of banana peel powder into the soil around each plant. This will help to improve the soil structure and drainage, and provide the plants with a slow-release source of nutrients.

Top-dress existing plants. To top-dress existing plants, simply sprinkle banana peel powder on the soil around the base of the plants. Be sure to water the plants well after applying the powder.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Apply banana peel powder fertilizer every 2-4 weeks for best results.
  • Banana peel powder is a slow-release fertilizer, so it is important to be patient. You may not see results immediately.
  • Be careful not to over-fertilize your plants, as this can damage them.
  • Banana peel powder fertilizer is safe to use on all types of plants, but it is especially beneficial for flowering plants and fruit trees.

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